Frequently Asked Questions

What are the core beliefs of the Global Methodist Church?

That the one God – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – has created all things; that Jesus Christ, through the power of his cross and Resurrection, is the Lord and Savior of all the world; and that the Holy Spirit empowers the people of his church to worship and praise God and to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world in word and deed.

For more information, visit the GMC website.

What should I wear to your Sunday service?

You can dress casually or dress up, whichever you prefer! You’ll see everything at FM Lockhart from t-shirts and jeans to suits and ties.

Can I receive Communion if I’m not a member?

Yes. In Holy Communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist (from the Greek word for “thanksgiving”), we are invited into fellowship with Christ Jesus who is spiritually present in the whole of the Sacrament; we participate in the communion of saints with the Church universal; and we are given a foretaste of God’s eternal banquet, the marriage supper of the Lamb. Holy Communion is offered to all who repent of sin and desire to draw near to God and lead a life of obedience to Christ.

What should I wear to your Sunday service?

You can dress casually or dress up, whichever you prefer! You’ll see everything at FM Lockhart from t-shirts and jeans to suits and ties.